Regras básicas de pontuação em português

The rules of punctuation in English are very similar to Portuguese rules, but there are a few differences you should know. Here, you will learn the names of Portuguese punctuation marks and their rules. 

Sinais de pontuacão em Português:

.  ponto, ponto final (períod)

, vírgula (comma)

: dois pontos (colon)

; ponto e vírgula (semicolon)

traço (dash)

- travessão ou hífen (hyphen)

«» aspas (quotation marks)

" aspas (quotation marks)

' aspas simples (single quotation marks)

? ponto de interrogação no final (question marks)

! fim da exclamação ou admiração (exclamation points)

() parênteses (parenthesis)

[] colchetes, parênteses retos (brackets)

{} chavetas (braces, curly brackets)

* asterisco (asterisk)

... reticências (ellipsis)

Question Marks

In Portuguese, question marks are used at the end of a question (not at the beginning. like in Spanish). 

Você gosta de estudar português?

Do you like studying Portuguese?

Exclamation Point

Exclamation points are used in the same way as question marks.

O exame foi cancelado, que sorte!

The exam was canceled, what a luckybreak!


The use is the same as in English, at the end of sentences and abbreviations. There is a difference, however, in Portuguese numerals, the comma is used instead of a period and vice versa.

A matrícula custou $41.345,12 este semestre.

Tuition cost $41,345.12 this semester.


The comma follows the the same rules as in English, indicating a break in thought or off clauses or words. Portuguese doesn't use the Oxford comma rule when listing things, there is no comma between the next-to-last item and the e.

Comprei um computador, iPad e stylus para este semestre.

I bought a computer, iPad, and stylus for this semestrer.


The dash is usually used to indicate a dialogue, instead of quotation marks.

— Tudo bem? 

— Tudo bom, e você?

— Tudo ótimo, este semestre estudo português.

— Eu também!

— How are you doing?

— I'm fine and you?

— Everything great, this semester I study Portuguese.

— Me too!

Se você gosta de café brasileiro — é difícil de encontrar — eles vendem aqui.

If you like Brazilian coffee - it's hard to find - they sell it here.

Quotation Marks

Quotation marks and the English-style quotation marks are equivalent. The choice is a matter of preference. There is a significant difference between English and Portuguese use of quotation marks: sentence punctuation in Portuguese goes outside the quote marks, while in English they go on the inside.

Quero estudar o livro de José Saramago "A jangada de pedra".

I want to study José Saramago's book "The Stone Raft."